The 2,776 km² Disko-Nuussuaq (‘Disko’) Magmatic Massive Sulphide (‘MMS’) nickel-copper-platinum-cobalt project (‘Ni-Cu-PGM-Co’) is located on the southwest coast of Greenland.
The Board believes that both previous studies and work conducted by the Company has already highlighted the Project areas potential to host mineralisation similar to the world’s largest nickel/copper sulphide mine Norilsk-Talnakh (‘Norilsk’) in Siberia. Project highlights include:
Disko is circa the size of Luxembourg with the largest anomaly being over 6km long. Bluejay intends to build upon its understanding of Disko and the specific geological targets in order to prove up the resource potential. Multiple occurrences of nickel and copper sulphide bearing boulders have been identified throughout licence holdings and its prospectivity has been highlighted by major mining companies recently acquiring c.10,000 km2 of the licence area surrounding Disko.
Two main target areas are now being targeted. Area 1, the Kugg Project, on the southern peninsular where surface sampling confirmed working sulphide system with initial chemical assays in oxidised surface material returning 2.02% nickel, 0.8% copper and 0.2% cobalt. Handheld XRF sampling on fresh, polished material returned values averaging between 4.6%-9.3% nickel & 1.5-2.8% copper, and samples taken from outcrops show characteristics indicative of large-scale Ni-Cu-Co-PGE sulphide segregation.
Area 2 is the Illug Project on the northern peninsular. Data compilation and interpretation has identified numerous additional targets, as well as confirming historically identified anomalies. Additional large coincident gravity, magnetic and conductor anomalies have been identified which are subject to on-going evaluation.